Greetings from GWES.  It’s hard to grasp how quickly 2022 flew by.  As my friend and mentor, Steve Belcher, would say, “Time flies when you are having fun.”  And 2022 was a fun filled and exciting year for GWES.  As a company, we grew over 40% in staff to meet the needs of our Clients.  GWES is currently involved in water, wastewater, civil site, and reuse water projects totaling more than $200 million in construction cost.  We are engaged in four collaborative delivery projects throughout the US Southeast.  We continue to strive to meet the needs and demands of our Clients, while bringing ingenuity and creative thinking to the forefront for successful delivery of their projects.  None of our success would be possible without the dedication and fortitude of our staff.  I also want to thank our Clients who have entrusted us with the success of their projects, plans, and visions.  GWES is so very blessed with the great Clients that we work for, and we look forward to continuing to service their needs this year.  Our mission in 2023 is to STAY HUNGRY.  We are not satisfied.  We can do better, be better, and serve better.  We will succeed.  May God bless you and your families in the New Year.  We look forward to seeing you all in 2023.


Burke B Murph III, PE, MBA

Managing Principal at GWES