
Brown Bridge Road – Replacement of PVC Water Main | Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority

DATE OF SERVICES: November 2015 – November 2017

STATUS: Completed


  • Preliminary and Final Design
  • Permitting
  • Bid Document Preparation
  • Construction Management
  • Coordination with Newton County Transportation Department
  • Construction Observation & Inspection

Burke Murph – Project Manager
Matt Taylor – Quality Control
Casey Piper – Regulatory Compliance
Mike Griffore – Designer

Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority

Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority (NCWSA) requested engineering services to plan, design, bid, and oversee construction of the Brown Bridge Road 12-inch water main. GWES was tasked with providing NCWSA with the most efficient and feasible installation of approximately 11,9000 linear feet of DIP water main that met NCWSA standards and intentions. The subject corridor was located in a residential and commercial area of Newton County. The existing 8-inch PVC pipe water main was located within the south right-of-way of Brown Bridge Road with considerations including multiple, existing overhead and underground utilities that played a major role in GWES’s selected alignment of the 12-inch water main. These utilities included gravity sewer, water main, hydrants, valves, and services, overhead power, telephone, and power poles, and underground cable and fiber. Multiple culvert crossings, as well as a crossing of a double box culvert at Beaver Creek, required GWES to perform stream and wetland jurisdictional delineations. Throughout the project, GWES ensured the proper transfer of water services that limited disruptions to residential and commercial properties.

Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority (Owner’s Funds)

PROJECT AMOUNT: $1,364,421.20 (Includes Engineering Fees and Construction Cost)