Kellwood Drive Intersection Improvements

City of Perry

DATE OF SERVICES: August 2020 – February 2021



  • Engineering Design
  • GDOT Permitting Services


  • Burke Murph – Project Manager
  • Matt Taylor – Quality Control
  • Mike Griffore – Designer

CLIENT: City of Perry


The City of Perry requested engineering services to related to preparation of construction permit plan for Kellwood Drive @ Courtney Hodges Blvd Intersection Improvements for the City of Perry LMIG program. We worked with Ocmulgee Engineers, LLC.

The subject intersection has issues with standing water due to low areas adjacent to the existing curb and gutter.  The purpose of the project is to prepare a GDOT permit plan, profile, and cross section (plans) of the intersection in accordance with their requirements for drainage improvements.  The intent is to improve drainage with grading changes on Kellwood Drive with construction of a GDOT Standard valley gutter to convey stormwater through the intersection properly.  Design improvements include regarding the gutter line at up-gradient elevation 384.71, then slopes to 384.62 in the right turn lane, and then slopes to 384.52 in the left turn lane using 6” thick valley gutter, GDOT Std. A-2.  The new gutter line will allow positive drainage through the intersection.  The improvements will reduce the likelihood of future ponding issues at the intersection as well as accelerated degradation of asphalt.