CMP Replacement Master Plan

City of Covington

DATE OF SERVICES: February 2020 – August 2020


ROLE OF FIRM:Covington, Georgia | Official Website

  • Stormwater Field Assessments
  • Stormwater Master Planning
  • Asset Management Integration


  • Burke Murph – Project Manager
  • Matt Taylor – QC Manager
  • Barrett Neal – Assistant Project Manager
  • Claire Swaim – Project Engineer
  • Brett Northenor – Project Engineer
  • Michael Griffore – GIS Manager

CLIENT: City of Covington


The City of Covington (City) owns and operates approximately 4,000 structures and 90 miles of stormwater drainage piping ranging in various sizes and materials.  On-going issues with deteriorating and failing CMP led to multiple emergency repair projects.  The City contracted with GWES to develop a CMP replacement master plan to prioritize, fund, and complete rehabilitation and improvement projects.  GWES conducted field evaluations over a seven (7) week period to verify GIS data and to assess infrastructure condition. A total of 1,165 stormwater structures associated with CMP and 1,103 individual CMP segments totaling 106,604 LF were assessed.  The report identified and evaluated these issues in the City and developed a replacement master plan detailing recommended improvement projects.