New Dunbar Rd Regional Stormwater Detention Facility

City of Byron

DATE OF SERVICES: April 2020 – February 2021



  • Master Planning Services
  • Engineering Survey/Geotechnical Services
  • Preliminary and Final Engineering Design
  • Bidding and Construction Administration


  • Burke Murph – Project Manager
  • Matt Taylor – QC Manager
  • Barrett Neal – Assistant Project Manager
  • Michael Griffore – Senior Designer

CLIENT:  City of Byron


In order to reduce the likelihood of flooding issues in the Shoppes at Peach Crossing and along New Dunbar Road, the City of Byron (City) contracted GWES to provide engineering services to design a regional stormwater detention facility (RSDF) east of the Peach Crossing development.  Based on preliminary analysis, flooding issues in these areas are attributed to the lack of up-gradient stormwater detention, the lack of on-site stormwater detention, and the inadequacy of stormwater drainage ditch and infrastructure capacity.  GWES, along with the City, determined that the best location for the RSDF would be located between Highway 49 and New Dunbar Road, directly across the street from Byron Elementary School.  The ±4.2-acre location was determined based upon existing topographical features, the relative location of existing stormwater drainage routes, and the most effective solution to address existing flooding issues in the area.  Construction of the RSDF included 29,000 CY of excavation and hauling, installation of storm drainage piping, 10’ diameter outlet control structure and associated piping, entrance road and fencing, erosion and sedimentation control, and asphalt removal and replacement.